The day didn't start off the best. A little after midnight, I started The Painting like I'd planned, but quickly found that I didn't like it. I was struck with a dilemma: should I push through the book even when I don't like it or scrap it right away? Since I was only a few pages in, I scrapped it. I switched to another book on my TBR: Mustaches for Maddie. It even can count for the same challenge, since this book as a person on the cover as well, which is a plus. I now have no idea what I will replace The Painting with, but I guess we'll find out as the week goes on.
I read twenty or so pages of Mustaches for Maddie before going to sleep. Luckily, this book wasn't too long, so I was able to finish it the next morning before it even hit noon! One book down before lunch.
My next read was Life is Like a Musical, and it was for my "read a book outside" challenge. This one was a little bit tougher since I'm in southern Kentucky and it's in the 90s pretty much every day lately, if not the 100s. I had to do it in little spurts, especially when I realized this isn't a story (it's actually more of a "lessons from theatre life that can apply to real life too" nonfiction sort of book. Which isn't bad, but not what I was expecting).
It was interesting for the most part, though I ended up failing the "outdoors" challenge completely. It was just too hot and I wanted to keep reading! I think that challenge just isn't going to happen for me this year, but I did still accomplish one challenge with this book.
I decided that I couldn't slow down even after finishing two books in one day (gotta keep that momentum going!), so I started Aristotle and Dante shortly after finishing Life is Like a Musical. I figured it could only help, since this book is around 350 pages and would be harder to read in one day.
By the end of the night, I managed to read 100 pages! Hopefully, I'll be able to knock out the rest of them tomorrow. I was lucky to not have work today. It really helped me get a strong start onto the read-a-thon. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up.
Challenges completed today:
Read a book with a person on the cover ✔️
Read a book completely outside ✘
Read a book in one day ✔️
Check out my instagram for my Booktubeathon pictures! I'm documenting my reading there as well.
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